Scan Technology


Scan Technology focuses on delivering services that not just address the current requirements / problems of our customers but also ensure that current and proposed solutions support future needs and changes as well. We understand current and future trends of the business, industry, and technology to provide services in the most beneficial way and provide recommendations on the way forward that directly offer benefit to the business.

We have a team of professionals who have 3 – 30 years of hardcore experience in a wide variety of fields of work in the Information Technology sector. With good exposure to real-life problems and scenarios at client sites across the globe with different cultural, political and social environments, we have a team that is well seasoned to understand the nuances of your business and support it to grow and prosper.

We focus in the following four areas of services that cover the core foundation of any small, medium or large enterprise.

These four core expertise areas ensure that we support your organization with the right software solution, understand the business process and its complications through consulting expertise, offer managed services to offload the operational overheads and all this through professional staff who can work from your premise or as an extended unit from ours.

Our customers come from a variety of industries and since the business process is different the same solution may require a unique blend for every deployment. We work very closely with our customers to ensure they are as involved in the product understanding, selection and implementation process (post customization) as we are to be able to fully understand the value proposition of the product / service being delivered.

We work using the four ‘P’s pillars of strength formula that helps us achieve success in all that we do.

Built on the IT Service management principles, these four pillars are vital to our success in quality service delivery and ensure we work towards maximum customer satisfaction through our actions.

We offer the following service lines. Each items is a hyperlink and will take you to the service detail page.

  • Bespoke Application Development / Customization – Custom made software to suit your business needs
  • Solution Evaluation – Helping you select the right product / service and minimizing risks
  • Project Management Outsourcing – No project manager in-house, let us manage it efficiently for you
  • Resource Outsourcing – Expand your operations with a virtual off-shore, off-site team
  • Application, Infrastructure and End-User management Services – You own, we manage. Save on hiring dedicated resources

For any doubts, queries and enquiries please contact us at